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Educational Psychologist


Our Educational Psychologist discusses the impacts of emotional difficulties on academic performance, and when it would be appropriate to refer learners for play therapy. 



Speech Therapist


Our Speech Therapist discusses different aspects of speech, auditory processing and language development as well as social communication skills to empower teachers to identify those learners who may be delayed in any of these domains. 


Occupational Therapist


Our Occupational Therapist speaks about a number of domains of development including fine motor coordination, gross motor coordination, visual perceptual skills and sensory development so that teachers gain insight into their learners and are better able to identify and refer learners with difficulties or delays.

Our professionals give talks to teachers at member schools to enable them to identify children with potential barriers to learning as well as to describe the difficulties they're seeing to learning support professionals. Another benefit of these talks is to give teachers the opportunity to ask questions of our therapists, and to create open channels of professional communication. 


Teachers report enjoying and greatly benefiting from our workshops and talks, and the results show in their ability to identify and correctly refer learners experiencing difficulties in any of the domains of development. 



Teacher Workshops

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